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Bright Labs

Bright Labs

Magische momenten creëren

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia



Bright Labs is een digitaal bureau dat design en technologie gebruikt om uw merk te verbeteren, markten en bereik uit te breiden, u te helpen over te stappen op digitale services, klantbetrokkenheid te creëren en producten tot leven te brengen. We bereiken dit door design, technologie en digitale marketingoplossingen van wereldklasse te leveren.

Onze strategische aanpak is afgestemd op elk project en past zich aan de specifieke behoeften van uw bedrijf aan. Door sterke relaties met onze klanten op te bouwen, proberen we te begrijpen wie ze zijn en wat ze vertegenwoordigen.

Door doelgroepen te profileren en inzichten te verkrijgen uit data en analyses, gaan we verder dan de traditionele grenzen van reclame om gerichte, geïntegreerde digitale marketingcampagnes te leveren voor B2B- en B2C-e-commercebedrijven. We promoten uw bedrijf via zoek-, display-, sociale media-, e-mail-, sms- en videokanalen.

  • Genereer leads op schaal: we implementeren prestatiegerichte programma's op schaal via marketingautomatisering, klantprofilering en verkeersanalyses.
  • Verhoog klantbehoud en betrokkenheid: Moet u klanten behouden of leden opnieuw betrekken? Wij gebruiken interactieve en lonende gamification-strategieën om de aandacht te trekken. Onze tactieken bouwen diepere en persoonlijkere relaties op met klanten en moedigen proactieve interactie met uw merk aan.
  • Continue optimalisatie: We testen en verfijnen deze campagnes om tijdige en gerichte berichten te leveren. Deze methode levert resultaten van hogere kwaliteit en een hoog rendement op uw investering op.
Bedrijfsgrootte klant
Budget per project
Vanaf $2,500
  • Vanaf 1-3 months
Geografische focus
  • Australia
  • Engels


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Matt Walker
Sep 2, 2024

We recently had the pleasure of working with Brightlabs for our company's anniversary branding, and we were very pleased with the results. Adhering to strict corporate brand guidelines, budget and timeframe, their team produced a memorable anniversary logo design that complimented our brand in a simple and sophisticated way. The team further developed this branding into interactive digital elements for our website. The Brightlabs team demonstrated an exceptional level of creativity and professionalism throughout the process. We look forward to celebrating this milestone with our updated anniversary logo.

Brett Ginsberg
Aug 29, 2024

Susan and Tim were an absolute pleasure to work with. Their brief was detailed and clear, they were flexible with their timeline - could not have wished for more. Highly recommended. I look forward to many more collaborations in the future.

University College
Feb 28, 2024

The web team did a fantastic job of coming up with a design that reflected our brand and our vision for a new website. The development team also did a great job of implementing this vision and addressing the various tweaks that inevitably came up during the process. Big thanks to Alex and Tim for managing this project with us - everyone is thrilled with the new site.

Aidan McKeever
Sep 26, 2024

A pleasurable journey with our rebranding. The team were genuinely interested in our project and their execution was very professional. Highly recommended.

Leah Gibson
Mar 15, 2024

I recently worked with Brightlabs to move our website to the Craft CMS platform. As their client, I found them to be friendly, calm and reassuring during the process. They were able to assist in all elements of the project from design to development and SEO. While no project ever goes perfectly, Brightlabs' willingness to talk through any challenges and negotiate outcomes resulted in a successful project. I look forward to continuing to work together to maintain and develop our website.

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Bureaus in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia