Migration guide - App Center Docs
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Migration guide

Design guidelinesLast updated: Jan 14, 2025

Common issues you may face while developing an app in App Center are managing the iframe sizes, avoiding double scrollbars, and keeping the page in the center of the screen.

This brief guide helps you smoothly shift to the latest version of the app layout. The fixed layout fills all the screen space available and changes its sizes along with the browser window.

This guide is intended to help the partners that joined App Center before February 2023.

Layout switch

To switch from the scrollable to the fixed layout, take the following steps:

Check what type of layout your app is using. To do that, use SM.config. The response you’ll receive will look like this:

{ "layout": 1 }

The layout parameter defines the layout type:

  • 1: Scrollable.
  • 2: Fixed.

If your app has a scrollable layout, make changes in the code of your test app to work with and without the SDK methods mentioned later using the fixed layout.

You don’t need to use the following methods with the new fixed layout:

  1. SM.setAutoHeightUpdate is unavailable.
  2. SM.client('resizeWindow') is unavailable.
  3. Instead of using the SM.client('getPageInfo') method, you can receive the data directly from window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight.
  4. Instead of using SM.client('scrollTo'), use window.scrollTo and other browser methods.

When you’re ready, contact the App Center Team. They’ll review your changes and switch your test app to the fixed layout.

In the transition period, your test app must continue working with the old methods until the switch is finished.

After the App Center Team approves your changes, switch your test app to the new layout. To do that, use SM.config again. You don’t need to support the scrollable layout anymore.

Make the same changes to the Production version of your app and contact the team.

Ask your manager to switch your Production app to the new layout. You’re all set!